

My Chinese heart strokes mark historic moment

As the beijing Olympics appraches, calligrapher Yan Gongda has produced a work to honor the night seven years ago when the city was awarded the Games.

The 69-cm-wide,16.40-m-long work of 276 characters presents a powerful and majestic record of the night in Moscow seven years before when Beijing was officially awarded the Games.
Yan Gongda(言恭达), vice-president of Chinese Calligraphers Assiciation and profssor at two universities, recorded in cursive script the statement by He Zhenliang,honorary chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee, with the titel "My Chinese Heart".

Yan, from Jiangsu province China,uses the calligrapher's tools of a brush made of long goat;s hair and ink from Yi De Ge, a famous brand of ink and brush.

About the worker(关于作者):
言恭达(公达),江苏省常熟人。一九四八年生,国家一级美术师。享受国务院特殊贡献津贴专家。中国书法家协会理事,中国书法家协会评审委员会委员、培训中心教授,江苏省书法家协会副主席兼秘书长,中国标准草书学社副社长,南京大学、南京航空航天大学兼职教授,南京大学美术学院书法研究生课程班教授,中国沧浪书社总执事。  受业于著名书法家沙曼翁、宋文治先生。精多种书体,工篆刻,善绘画。作品参加全国二、三、四、五、六、七、八届书法篆刻展和数届全国中青年书法篆刻家作品展,国际书法展览;当代名家书画篆刻作品展等三百多次国家级、国际性和各类全国性展览并多次荣获大奖。多次东渡日本参加"中日书展"。作品收入《中国现代美术全集》(书法卷)和(篆刻卷)、《中国当代书法名家墨迹》等二百多种全国性专集以及《当代书法家五十人五体创作实录》等VCD光盘。作品还选刻五十多处中国各地碑林,并为中南海等国内外一百多处博物馆、美术馆、纪念馆收藏。书学论文多篇入选"全国书学研讨会"。出版《抱云斋》书画专集及合编《六体书字典》、《中国书法名作鉴赏辞典》、《中国国家图书馆碑帖精华-题跋》等。
